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Update 1.20 Hotfix Rolled Out Today

  • News

Early today Bohemia rolled out a hotfix to address the 1.20 instability issues. It’s too soon to know if this will affect any of our servers. Be sure to join Discord for all the latest NEO Farmer’s server announcements.

Patch Notes

PC Stable 1.20 Update 2 – Version 1.20.155814 (Released on 22.02.2022)


  • The player character would remain on the server too long in case of connection interruption
  • The combine action in the default control scheme was not working with fresh settings


  • Fixed: Spawning items through Object Spawner made them persistent, resulting in them being duplicated with every server restart
  • Fixed: Setting staminaMax in the cfggameplay.json to more than 100 could result in broken stamina calculation


  • Spawning objects with _DE-suffix by Object Spawner can result in them being duplicated with every server restart – the team is testing a fix internally
  • The player character might glitch under the map when leaving vehicles – the team is looking into a fix
  • The gearbox of the M1025 might desync when shifted up in drive mode
  • The 3rd person camera view might shake in close quarters

Please note Bohemia recommends a server wipe to assure game stability. We don’t want to do that unless absolutely necessary!

About NEO Farmers
NEO Farmers was founded in 2021 by a husband & wife team from Ohio who wanted the benefit of a PVE Dayz community server, but with the experiences of a mod-free vanilla environment. Since then, NEO Farmers has grown into a strong community of over 500 active Dayz players! For more information, please visit or Join our Discord Channel.