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Self Spawn Cars Now Available

All players have the ability to type in a simple command and have a car fall from the sky just a few feet away. A fantastic way to explore the map, meet people, and have fun!

Could Crossbows be Coming Back to DayZ?

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Today, DayZ teased a picture on Twitter showing a trash pile and little other context. Twitter followers began to speculate on what the hint was within the trash pile. One of the speculated items is a crossbow. Can you see it?

DayZ Releases New 1.20 Patch

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Bohemia Interactive has released another patch for the DayZ’s 1.20 update. This patch includes bug fixes and improvements to the game, such as disabling the kick messages displayed publicly, and game crashes. With this patch update, players can now enjoy an improved gaming experience with DayZ’s 1.20 update!

Lakeside Community Area Video

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Sometimes you just want to experience something different, away from the grind of everyday post-apocalyptic DayZ survival. That’s something you will always find at the Lakeside Community Area.

The Wireframe World of DayZ

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Back in 1.19, DayZ added a new hidden menu revealing information about how the game works, such as displaying the model, bullet, and collision hitboxes of players, objects, and buildings in game.